Vertical Sack Farming New System of Growing Cucumbers in Sacks

Power of Organic farm: 

One of the most challenging problems of organic farmer is weeds control. Weeds hinder plants progress on the field and slow down the production of crops. Plants don't really like competition among themselves, talk less of weeds adding to their burden, not only that, they reduce yields and harbor dangerous pest that can undo the good work any farmer put on the field. One bullet proof method to handle this problem is to sterilize the soil by heating it and killing all the seeds of the weeds, this way weeds can never compete with your plants in the sack. You however need to do some soil amendment to get the right nutrients into the soil for the benefits of the plants. There is a new soil composition method I developed based on my observation and experience with sack farming. This will help you maximize nutrients and increase yield significantly.

Liquid Fertilizer: One powerful liquid fertilizer I used on my farm is the Farmers Fertilizer made from seaweeds and kelp. Fortified further by using locally propagated beneficiary microbes and calcium phosphate from egg shells. This combination is a killer recipe any farmer should adopt to grow organic plants as if they are GMOs.

This fertilizer does wonders and I will be doing a post on it and how you can put it to great use. It was manufactured in Malaysia for All Farmers Association Nigeria. I am one of the distributor in Nigeria.This is the only true fertilizer that will nourish and improve your farm yield in a manner that will enhance profitability.

Cucumbers can be grown organically to enviable size like this. No chemicals, no hassle. Just chicken poo, Farmers fertilizer, and beneficial microbes.

My new soil composition:

1. Ash

2. Activated Charcoal

3. Neem Powder

4. Sterilize Soil

5. Chicken Poop compost

6. Soil Emperor

7. Farmers Fertilizer

8. Beneficiary Microbes

9. Phosphate Rocks
10. Epsom Salts 
