Handling Nocturnal Visitor called Snail on your sack Farm

Handling nocturnal visitor called snail on your sack farm.

One major pest of the cucumber are the tiny snails. They arrive at night in droves and feed on the seedlings and disappear early in the morning without any trace. They are a serious menace for the farmer, especially when they turn your seedlings into a good source of nutrients to balance their diet. If you don't pay attention very carefully, you will quickly admit that some evil forces are at work, because they stealthy operate at night.

One very good way to reduce their population is to hand pick them. That means you have to keep night vigil to catch them red handed. 

 Another very effective method to stop them in their quest of making salad out of your young cukes seedlings is to ground some egg shells and spread it round your plant...They don't like crawling on egg shells, they detest it with passion. This way they won't pick interest in your cucumbers any more, instead they will turn to some other weeds to balance their vegetable needs.

Using palm wine or wine as a trap

Snails love palm wine a lot and can be used to trap them around the farm. Keep the palm wine somewhere close to some openings to allow them gain access and they will definitely come to take some and get drunk while at it. The next day you can pick them all up.
