Homemade Liquid fertilizer. (Using Aloe Vera and Pigweeds)

Aloe Vera
Pigweeds (Tete Elegun)

Homemade Liquid fertilizer.

Our next fertilizer exploit promises to be interesting. We will be making fertilizer from Aloe Vera and Pigweed (Known as Tete elegun in Yoruba) and then adding seaweeds from our Farmer's fertilizer or Harvest plus Liquid fertilizer ( You can however use any products rich in seaweeds as well). This will cut the cost of nutrient supplements for our plants.


Aloe Vera

Pigweeds (Tete Elegun)


Farmers Fertilizer/ Harvest Plus (Rich in seaweeds and Humid Acids)

Brown Sugar


Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera contains saponins, salicylic acid, auixins, cytokine and Gibberellins  (Plant hormones) that are necessary for promoting and stimulating plant growth, they suppress harmful plant pathogens and help them develop strong healthy roots and stem systems. 

If we are to talk about Aloe Vera, a whole blog would not be enough to do justice to the topic. Aloe Vera is a super plant for making liquid fertilizer, the nutrients in this plant is enormous and makes for a perfect source for plant supplement. Plants eat plants!

Select some healthy succulent leaves of Aloe Vera and blend in a blender (It will turn to a slimy paste), add equal weight of brown sugar. (Note) Do not wash the leaves (annexing microorganisms on the leaves for fermentation becomes easy and faster). Keep the mixture in a dark cool place and allow the broth to stay for seven days. After seven days, strain and keep in a bottle and keep in the dark corner of the house.

Pigweeds Tete elegun: Harvest the tips of these legendary weeds... Harvest it like you are plucking leaves for vegetable soup....Make sure you harvest the tender parts of the leaves. Measure equal parts of sugar and the pigweeds then blend...add some little water to make a good paste. Keep aside in a dark place for seven days. Pig weeds are rich in potassium, Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and sodium. Strain and keep in a bottle.

Add equal volume of the Farmers fertilizer/ Harvest Plus or any products containing seaweeds. (Farmers fertilizer/Harvest plus is already rich in Macro and micro nutrients) to the Aloe Vera and Pigweeds broth and your nutrient supplements are ready. This solution will help you spend less on fertilizer and maximize returns on investment.

NOTE: Pigweeds can be substituted with Dandelion (Efo Yanrin) if your plant's demands are high in Iron, manganese and Boron. As a farmer, you must know what nutrients are needed by your plants.

Dosage: Use 5ml into one liter of water. You can use both as soil drench and foliar spray.

Organic farmers cultivating maize that requires high potassium for proper fruiting would find this solution extremely helpful. Cucumbers and watermelon farmers will rejoice heavily after every harvest if he or she uses this fertilization method.
