Herbal remedies for coccidiosis
▪️Organism or Mechanism
Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxina, E. praecox, E. mitis coccidian protozoan parasites.
This condition is caused by bacteria of the cocci family (Ermeria spp. or Escherichia coli). Young birds are susceptible to this disease. This is a disease of the intestinal wall that destroys the intestine. Ermeria species are opportunistic organisms that love to attack young and weak birds of poultry.
NOTE: Vitamin B1 rich supplements should be avoided in the treatment of coccidiosis. However, supplements rich in vitamin K are effective in fighting E. coli species.
E. coli is also a great help to a bird's digestive tract, but in large quantities it can be very harmful. This is where LAB (lactic acid bacteria) can be very helpful. With other beneficial microorganisms dominating the digestive system, this disease rarely occurs on farms through water.
▪️ Depression
▪️Ruffle Feather
▪️ Closed eyes
▪️ Poor appetite (loss of appetite)
▪️ Bloody stool
preventive measures
▪️ Develops chick resistance (perhaps through exposure to older birds and litter).
▪️Rotate the meadow often.
▪️Keep litter dry and limit access to feces.
▪️ Feed 1 clove of garlic to 1 chick.
▪️Be aware of symptoms.
▪️ Separate age groups.
▪️Make sure the litter is dry.
▪️Keep watering facilities away from litter.
▪️Ensuring high hygiene standards for personnel.
▪️ Maintain good hygiene for feeders and drinkers.
▪️ Let's raise the level of the drink according to the chick's growth.
▪️Use resistant varieties
▪️Give apple cider vinegar (1T/4L) with drinking water
▪️ Anticoccidia etc. in feed. Processed pawpaw leaves with 5% feed content.
Good hygiene on the farm. The disease is transmitted by fecal contact. Try to keep the poultry house and its surroundings clean.
Prophylactic administration of antibiotics such as bitter leaf extract, neem leaf extract, G. latifolium extract or fragrant leaf extract. For 3 days, especially during the early signs of chicks at 8 days of age, in addition to the administration of 3 supplements - LAB, Tagiri Super and Immune Booster - the farm keeps the disease at bay.
NOTE: Garlic is a prebiotic, allowing LAB to hijack the digestive tract and ward off other pathogens through competitive elimination while promoting healthy growth in birds. Always give garlic extract first before administering other herbs or probiotics.
administrative action
High temperatures (>56 C), freezing, and drying can kill oocysts or ammonia-based disinfectants.
Transfer the poultry to new ground, lime the old ground firmly, and burn cayenne pepper or juniper powder to fumigate the house
physical therapy
Add DE (diatomaceous earth) to feed
nutrition therapy
---Feed probiotics in the feed.
--- After fasting, bran, molasses, vegetables (chickweed,
---Give buttermilk to help expel the worms.
--- Corn-based diets fed to poultry have been shown to tolerate coccidiosis better than those
About wheat-based diet
herbal treatment
--- Fast the bird in lukewarm water for a day and then give him a few drops of senna juice (1½ pods soaked in 1).
Dessert Add a few drops of ground ginger to a teaspoon of water.
--- Feed with dry leaves of Artemisia annua.
Birds that survive this disease do very little as it destroys their intestines and makes it very difficult for them to absorb nutrients, so always keep this disease under control as much as possible. If we are connected and dealt with the pandemic, it will have a significant impact on farmers' incomes.
Cinnamon, garlic, oregano, and Epsom salts have been used to effectively treat and control this disease.
1. 25g cinnamon
2. Garlic 10g
3. 50g oregano
4. 2 tbsp Epsom salt
5. pawpaw leaves 25g
6. 500ml water
Measurement and control:
Blend cinnamon, garlic and oregano in 500ml of clean water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt and mix well.
Directions for use: Give 5ml of the solution directly to the sick bird, give the rest of the flock 4 liters and he will give 40ml of the solution. Remove all sick birds. Administer for 3 days. Be sure to feed LAB, Tagiri Super and Immune Booster to maintain weight (10ml of each supplement in 4 liters).
Birds drink less water because of the bitter taste of the alkaloids in the herb. We have taken the time to tackle coccidiosis as it kills the most birds in Nigeria. There is more than one solution to tackle it head-on. As previously mentioned, pawpaw leaves, seeds and roots can also be used to prevent and control cocci. However, we provide the powerful herbal concoctions you need to make your job easier. You never know when you're going to have problems, but at least you're ready to fight. It results in another intestinal disease, necrotizing enterocolitis.
Coccidiosis is simply a bruised intestine with holes. You can see birds pass bloody stools as the causative organisms of coccidiosis called Ermeria feed on and multiply exponentially in the gut. increase. Blood comes from the injured intestine of the bird, leading to other outbreaks. The condition worsens during the day when metabolic activity continues, and organisms called Clostridium perfingens begin to grow and work in the gut, which can quickly lead to Newcastle in the gut.
In other words, a damaged intestine becomes a festering wound and a leaky conduit. So what happens?
1 Indigestion
2d bird performance is bad
3 Slow growth
4 lethargy
5 Therefore, mortality
The cocci are highly morbid (unhealthy birds), and before the bird starts vomiting blood, the Ermeria has already damaged its intestines, replicating itself through multiple divisions, and the bird is as good as dead. When a bird like this passes its droppings onto the litter, other birds pick up the droppings from the litter and another cycle of destruction begins. Also, he eats thiamine, one of the B vitamins necessary for growth.
Incidence is when some birds overcome the disease but are still carriers. They don't die, but they are masters of poor performance. They grow slowly and are a potential danger to the herd.
Newcastle therapy for coccidiosis
The solution posted in Newcastle can indeed be used to treat cocci, but caution should be exercised in using bitter leaf to control cocci. Heavy and long-term use of bitter leaves reduces weight in birds, but eliminates cocci, while pawpaw leaf extract or powder tackles ermeria, heals damaged intestines with vitamin K, and increases weight gain. Always use 3 supplements to boost growth, immunity and livability in your birds whenever you are battling disease. Bird prophylaxis should be started very early, by at least day 5.
A new solution for coccidiosis
1. 100g fresh pawpaw leaves
2. 50g cinnamon
3. Aloe Vera 100g
4. Turmeric 150g
5. Bidenpilosa 200g
6. Molasses 500ms
7. 2 liters of water
All blended and fermented for 4 days.
Dosage: Give 50ml in 1L of water non-stop daily for 5 days to heal purulent pain in the intestines.
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