How to calculate KOR of cashew

 How to calculate KOR of cashew

KOR (Kernel Outturn Ratio) is a measure used in the cashew industry to determine the quantity of whole kernels obtained from a given quantity of raw cashew nuts. It is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the whole kernel to the weight of the raw cashew nut.

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The KOR is an important measure in the cashew industry as it provides an indication of the quality of the raw cashew nuts and the efficiency of the processing methods used. A higher KOR indicates that more whole kernels were obtained from a given quantity of raw cashew nuts, which is desirable for producers and buyers alike.

To implement the KOR measure, follow these steps:

  1. Weigh the raw cashew nuts.

  2. Process the raw cashew nuts to obtain the whole kernels.

  3. Weigh the whole kernels.

  4. Calculate the KOR by dividing the weight of the whole kernels by the weight of the raw cashew nuts and multiplying by 100.

For example, if 1000 kg of raw cashew nuts produce 200 kg of whole kernels, the KOR would be calculated as follows:

KOR = (200 kg ÷ 1000 kg) x 100 = 20%

In summary, KOR is an important measure in the cashew industry for assessing the quality of raw cashew nuts and the efficiency of processing methods used. By implementing this measure, producers and buyers can ensure that they are producing and purchasing high-quality cashew kernels.

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